Battery or Cell Capacity in Wh
Number of Batteries or cells
Battery or Cell Weight in grams
How Batteries Are Packed
Batteries Packed Separately
Battery Type
Lithium Ion
Contains Batteries or Cells?
Flashiibo enhances your gaming experiences on Nintendo Switch. It's a device that emulates NTAG215. It acts like an infinite supply of NFC tags. When used with certain mobile apps, you can make your own amiibos and repeatedly get amiibo rewards. It works in over 50 games, including Tears of the Kingdom, Breath of the Wild, Animal Crossing: New Horizon, Super Mario Odyssey and More.
With the press of a button, it will become a completely new tag with a new serial number. Games such as Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild limit the use of each amiibo to once per day. A new serial number will make games think it's a completely new amiibo.